Monday, April 13, 2009

Will I Ever Write Like A Writer Again?

I'm freaked out. We're currently writing a budget for the crazy Bollywood musical and I'm being forced to think like a producer. Can we afford this montage? How can I do this scene differently? Does this character need to be in the scene?

Pretty much, I will never write another EXT.- EXPENSIVE PLACE- NIGHT slug line again without thinking "how are we going to light this?"

I wonder if this happens to all writer/producers? I was meeting with a fellow producer recently and saying how I've always operated as a writer, thinking story, character, visual and then all of a sudden you sit down as the producer, look at a bunch of breakdowns or schedules and you take out your red pen and you're slashing scenes.

The producer then asked me if I'd ever thought of selling the script...a question that's come up before and I was totally passionate that the material needed to be handled right and that's why I was in it for the long haul. It was a great shot in the arm (being forced to defend the decision) because I was reminded of why I need to be doing the tedious, slightly schizophrenic work I'm doing right now. It is too easy for someone else to create something inauthentic about Third World Girl's culture, and you know how I feel about authenticity.

So I've put aside thoughts of being rescued by big moneybags studio...for now at any rate. I'm learning as much about producing as I can and secretly looking forward to the next script I want to write that I do want to sell and be done with it.


a said...

'First I make movie. Then I eat jello.'
And that means furrowing your brows with lines deeper than the Grand Canyon.
All the best.
And check out
Have linked to your site, it's so good:)

Third World Girl said...

Hey a,
Thanks for the link!
I just checked out Boundscript and I can't wait to learn from your experience. Congrats on your movie, Aladin.
I believe you deserve some jello. :-)

a said...

The jello will have to wait till after the release I guess. Many more battles still ensue, mostly linked to marketing and PR.
Do check on the blog regularly - am trying to create a good content space.
This week Sujoy Ghosh, the director, writes about his experiences in setting up and getting 'Aladin' made...