Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Co-Director Explains It All

In yesterday's Wall Street Journal, Loveleen Tanden explains what her co-directing credit on "Slumdog Millionaire" really means and why she's embarrassed by all the brouhaha over her awards "snub".

At least she's getting some overdue press. Check it out for yourself.

"The Co-Pilot of 'Slumdog': How a little-known Indian filmmaker helped shape the acclaimed movie"


Scott said...

Hey, Third World Girl, thanks for this article as I had missed it. Followed your post on Go Into The Story to your blog. Great stuff. I thought your analysis of Rachel Getting Married was quite good and I agree on many points. I screened it with several members of my UNC screenwriting class - while I liked it, they loved it.

I've added your blog to my Friends blogroll. Hope we can continue our 'dialogue.'


Third World Girl said...

Thanks Scott and thanks for adding me to your Friends blogroll.

I absolutely love your blog. It's a wonderful resource. Great content and great analysis. The breakdown of '08 specs was especially insightful.

So let's keep talking cause I'm learning a whole lot. ;-)